Worship With Us!
Worship is our natural response to our all-powerful, all loving God. It is a time for us as a church family to remember how thankful we are for the work of Christ on our behalf.
Our worship service consists of singing praise, praying for each other and our community, and hearing and responding to God's Word. We celebrate Holy Communion monthly. Our worship style reflects the diversity in our body and consists of hymns and contemporary praise songs. While we want each person coming in to feel welcome and each worship style respected, we largely want our worship service to open up space for God to move in our lives and for us to respond to Him.
Here’s what to expect in our worship services:
Music: We try to have a blended service singing both traditional hymns and also more contemporary worship songs. We are seeking to build a great music culture at our church singing songs with pleasant melody that lifts the heart to worship and which have lyrics that teach something about the goodness of God.
Tithes and Offering: After the music portion of our worship, our members will bring their tithes and offerings forward. We consider this to be an act of worship in which members generously present back to God from what God has generously provided to us. This part of the worship service is for the members and regular attenders of our church only. Visitors need not participate.
Children’s Sunday School: We seek to pass our beliefs and values on to the next generation. Children from ages 5-11 are generally dismissed to go back to Sunday School while the rest of the congregation stays in the sanctuary for the sermon. We also have an infant and toddler nursery for children 4 and under.
The Sermon: Our pastor preaches from the Bible. He most often will preach a sermon series or portions of passages from a particular book of the Bible. Our church believes that the Word of God, the Bible, has power to change lives and that the presentation of the gospel and the Word is central to the worship experience.